All individuals or Employers involved in the employment arena are aware of the requirements to have proper meaningful Contracts of Employment in place covering the terms and conditions of the employment but modern Employment Law goes a lot further than merely advising and providing Contracts of Employment. Both Employers and Employees need to be properly advised in relation to all legislation that now governs the work place and the Employer / Employee relationship including but not limited to the Equal Status Acts, the Employment Equality Acts, the Unfair Dismissal Acts, the Parental Leave Act, the Maternity Protection Act, the Redundancy Payments Acts, the Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment Acts, bullying and stress in the workplace, privacy in the workplace and the use and or abuse of the internet and email use policies. In the current free market and free movement of employees both employees and Employers also need to be advised in relation to anti-competition and restraint of trade clauses.
We also advise and go through redundancy rights and the proper implementation of any redundancy schemes.
We advise and deal with issues arising from Government oversight such as NERA, the Labour Court and the various collective agreements involved in specific industries.
Human Resources is too great an issue for businesses to ignore or not to keep up to date in relation to the legal requirements.
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